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Entering registration code

In order to register our software you need to purchase required number of licenses. Upon receving your order we send you an email containing all registration process details, including instructions for entering the registration code.

This is a step-by-step guide, created to visualize above mentioned instructions and simplify the registration process. We're going to use Quick To-Do Pro as an example, however Contact Expert works exactly the same way.

Open registration message you received from Capstralia.Com upon processing your payment. Then select registration code with mouse and press Ctrl+C key to copy the key into Clipboard.

Choose menu Help >> Enter registration key...

Click Paste from Clipboard button to enter the registration key into the dialog.

Click OK button. "Thank you!" message will appear.

Choose menu File >> Exit to exit the program and activate the registration message.

Run Quick To-Do Pro again and the program should recognise your new registration code and Evaluation dialog will not be shown on every program's startup.

Enjoy our software! If at any stage of the process you had problems, please contact us immediately.